Prestashop SEO Module - Advance SEO Optimizer

prestashop seo module

Prestashop SEO Module - Advance SEO Optimizer

Over 60 Reviews & 4,000 Downloads on Prestashop Addons
  • best module Ensure visibility in SERPs
  • downloads +136
  • version PrestaShop
    v1.6 - v1.7 - v8.x

Prestashop SEO Module allows you to significantly boost your online presence efficiently and automatically. Prestashop SEO configures keywords, meta titles, and meta descriptions for CMS, category, and product pages. The module, SEO for Prestashop is the highest-rated SEO module on Prestashop Addons.

  1. Automatically Creates Meta Title, Description & Keywords for each page
  2. Display Search Bar & Social Accounts in Google Search Results
  3. Generate SEO Optimized Sitemap & Robots.Txt
  4. Automatically generate SEO Internal links
  5. Manage external links with a single click
  6. Follow / No-Follow management for CMS, Product, and categories pages.
  7. Create & Manage 301, 302, and 303 URL Redirections
  8. Multi-Store & Multi-Lingual
  9. No subscription fee. 
  10. Free lifetime support and upgrades

Our SEO module for PrestaShop is one of the top-rated modules on PrestaShop’s Official Marketplace with over 60 reviews and 4,000 downloads. Click to visit our PrestaShop SEO Optimizer Module on Prestashop's official Marketplace

Overview of Best Prestashop SEO Module

Our PrestaShop SEO Module helps you to stay ahead of the competition by optimizing your website as per the search engine standards. You can optimize on-page SEO components of your website such as keywords, current Meta title, and Meta descriptions manually or automatically. If you set it to Auto, then default Meta values will be ignored.

This module to optimize SEO in Prestashop comes with some extra tools and features such as schema tags for showing search box in Google, URL redirects options, Robots.txt generator, Robots.txt editor, sitemap, and more.

Check out video below for details:

  • Auto SEO metas generation

Advance SEO optimizer allows admin to automatically generate SEO metas such as Meta Title and Meta Descriptions. By using variables admin can generate metas for the whole site in a couple of minutes

  • Auto-generate SEO Keywords

Admin can also generate SEO keywords for the whole site or specific pages with a single click. You can customize options such as the number of times a keyword should repeat, keyword length, etc

  • Create Google Social Profiles

Having Google social profiles is one of the key requirements if you are working on local SEO. Our SEO Prestashop module allows you to easily configure Google profiles for your business.  

  • External Links Management

If you have a big site with hundreds of pages with thousands of links, it becomes really hard to manage all outgoing links. Our Prestashop SEO module allows you to enable/ disable no-follow or follow tags for all the outgoing links easily while also excluding the domains.

  • Internal Links Management

Prestashop SEO module also allows you to generate internal links to your site pages. You can specify target link, keywords, and product or CMS pages. All the keywords on that page which you have specified will become a hyperlink, linking it to the target page. 

  • Sitemap and Robots.txt Generator 

Admin can easily generate sitemaps and robot.txt files. You can specify pages, frequency, and shops while generating sitemaps at the same time you can select/ deselect pages that you do not want to be part of sitemap. Similarly, the admin can generate robot.txt file with a single click.

  • Full 301, 302, and 303 redirection  

Our Prestashop SEO Optimizer includes a full redirection management system. You can use 301, 302, or 303 redirections for any page of your site. Want to redirect the audience to a new landing page without any spills? 301 redirect with Prestashop SEO module now.

  • Full Index and Follow management

Advance SEO optimizer allows admin to enable or disable follow / no-follow and index / no-index for the whole site or specific pages. 

  • Facebook Cards and Twitter Tags

Our Prestashop SEO module allows you to auto-generate Facebook cards and Twitter (now X) tags. A variable-based approach gives you the option to specify how your site should be seen, any ranked social media sites.

Key Features of SEO Module for Prestashop

  • Easily configure Meta title, keywords and descriptions of all store pages
  • You can set the least length of single words, 2, 3, 5 words phrases along with their occurrences for picking the right keywords for creating Meta keywords tags
  • Amplifies sales revenue by attracting traffic to your website
  • Website owners can add social profiles and show them in Google Search Results
  • Create Robots.txt with the option of edit Robots.txt
  • Generate sitemaps and set a cron job to automatically update it in future
  • With URL redirects option add 301, 302 & 303 redirects
  • Business owners can add Google search box to their websites
  • Option to update Metas with cron job
  • Elegant design at back-office
  • Configuration of meta details like title, descriptions and keywords at once
  • Meta information from a single page
  • Creates Meta title for Product and category pages like “product name”, “product category”, “shop title”
  • Produces Meta title for CMS pages like “Page title” – “Shop Title”
  • You can set word limit for better selection of keywords
  • Increases CTR and SERP rankings
  • Expedite Sales figures by attracting more users to your store
  • Web admins can incorporate Google site name and social profiles
  • Store managers can also generate Robots.txt
  • With the help of multiple languages, you can create sitemaps
  • Auto generates sitemaps for future by setting a CRON job
  • Unlimited options to set URL redirections
  • Generate Meta automatically or do it manually
  • Enable Google Search box to allow users easily find products within a store
  • Quick and simplified creation of sitemap
  • CRON job can be configured for meta creation
  • Easy to use back-end
  • Enhanced multi-byte creation 
  • External links rel attribute follow/nofollow option added
  • External links target attribute add/edit option added
  • External links extra rel values can be added like external,noreferrer,noopener
  • Exclude any specific domains from external links filter added
  • Internal linking functionality added
  • Keywords generator now supports 5 more languages ES,FR,DE,NL,IT
  • Multi-Language Meta titles and description for Categories
  • Multi-Language Meta titles and description for CMS Pages
  • Multi-Language Meta titles and description for Products
  • New Feature - New Optimized back office experience
  • New Feature - Option to add/replace favicon
  • New Feature - Option to create sitemap for CMS pages, Categories, or products only
  • New Feature - New block on product edit section back office shows the current view of SEO with ratings

Frequently Asked Questions:

Is Prestashop good for SEO?

Yes, PrestaShop is a good platform for SEO. It offers features like customizable URL structures, meta tags, responsive design, and SEO modules, making it possible to optimize your online store for search engines.

What is a Prestashop module?

A PrestaShop module is a software component that adds specific features or functionality to a PrestaShop online store. These modules can extend the capabilities of the e-commerce platform, such as adding payment gateways, improving SEO, enhancing product displays, and more. 

What is the main purpose of the SEO Optimizer module?

It enhances SEO for PrestaShop sites by managing meta tags, creating sitemaps, handling redirects, robot tags and link management.

Does this module require technical SEO knowledge?

Prestashop SEO Module is designed to be user-friendly, catering to both beginners and experienced users. Detailed user guide is also available explaining each functionality.

Can it generate sitemaps automatically?

Yes, it has features to automatically generate sitemaps for better search engine indexing.

Is it compatible with all PrestaShop versions?

Yes, Prestashop SEO Module is compatible with all version of Prestashop up to the latest one.

Can the module handle 301 redirects?

Yes, it offers functionalities for managing 301 redirects, essential for maintaining SEO when URLs change.

Does this module help with multilingual SEO?

It supports multilingual websites, optimizing SEO for different language versions of the site.

How does it assist in optimizing meta tags?

The module simplifies the process of creating and managing meta tags relevant to each page. You can also use variables to customize meta tags.

Can I customize the sitemap generated by the module?

Yes, You can easily customize site map.

Reviews & Ratings (54)

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